Like Adom Kadmon emerging from the forest primordial to give name to animals 1.0 as the Creator Fashions thought into being, As if falling in love with the Loons’ call so to wait upon creation to beg its’ reprise. Listening to the timbre, the splendor in the subtle variations as the majestic bird calls to the new world... Only to have the heart swell to highs unimagined as its’ partners discharge is as beautiful, only filled with awareness anew for self, love, reason d’ĂȘtre! Sustenance, study and reward for a lifetime.
I sat in the second row of elevated seats (reds), stage right, parallel to the foot of the stage. Close enough to hear the music, to sing along. An oddity, A five year old in a suit, unusual and close enough to share eye contact, lyrics and a life defining moment. A moment not unlike the one portrayed In Pixars “Ratatouille”.
Once upon a vinyl time, we each owned our own unique copy of a record. The hiss, clicks and accumulated dust and scratches made each copy unlike any other in both sound and visual texture. The AAD CDs feel hollow, clone like. I never aspired to collect them all, at all. Post
The veil is lifted. The thunder of creation has dimmed to reveal aspects of the song as pure as the original creation, as close as one could possibly be to the initial awareness, the thought that was the song as the muse whispered the color, hues, shadows, the personality and brilliance that could only now be perceived, appreciated and cherished in the creators dream. This is an unprecedented opportunity to experience a first for a second and third time.
I tremble with a joy and wonderment that Einstein exuded at the unseen power causing his first compass to dance. I’m chilled listening to “Yesterday” as I expect to feel Paul’s breath, his voice is that full of resonance and pure presence. The guitar sounds as exceptional as if it were being played right next to me in a lauthiers studio. The sound of fingers on the strings, strings vibrating in tone to the closeness of fingers’ prints ridges. This reaction to the Mono 320k mp3 both worries and infuses my anticipation of listing to the eighth copy of Sgt. Peppers’ Lonely Hearts Club Band that I’ve purchased since I was seven in the summer of love.
“Within You Without You” as an instrumental on the Anthology was a scent of ambrosia, Remastered, it is magickal, what was a town square of ballet, the full chorus on stage, is now Baryshnikov, Nureyev, Bessel, Hines, Kelly, Reinking and M.J. all performing in their prime. Then the Crescendo in to sweet astonishment as for the first time in countless listening, I hear the performance, its George breathing and counting himself into the last verse. Everything is brighter, more friendly and familiar than the rawness of the Anthologies and the remix’s on LOVE. It’s still my version only more personal, more warmth and unbelievably, more to love. Only access to a proper facility, or dissertation by the engineers involved ease my desire to hear John counting “Sugar Plum Fairy, Sugar Plum Fairy” beneath the “Reprise” in to “A Day In The Life” With every new listen to each song in Mono and then in Stereo I experience, at least, that moment.”
In My Life. . . .do I dare?
A Sufi Poet wrote - “He who Tastes, Knows”
I’d Love to Turn You On.
Dear Apple-clause
May I please have the reMasters on vinyl for Christmas
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